
Strategic Communication using Innovative Tools

Elevate digital communication with AI-driven content creation, impactful copywriting, SEO, and cutting-edge tools. Unite proven methods and emerging innovations like ChatGPT for strategic online communication.
4 main lessons
1 exercise
Module length: 177 minutes

Why this module matters
Optimised Reach and Impact

Utilising innovative tools allows for more effective targeting and messaging, ensuring that your communication reaches the right audience and has a greater impact.

Enhanced Data-Driven Decisions

Innovative tools provide valuable data analytics and insights, enabling more informed and strategic decision-making in communication strategies.

Competitive Advantage

Staying current with the latest communication tools and technologies gives you an edge over competitors, helping you craft more engaging and relevant messages.

Learning Goals

A detailed breakdown of the main learning goals for this module

  • Use short-form writing to communicate effectively and persuasively via digital channels

  • Use effective frameworks and processes to create quality content

  • Understand the impact of SEO in digital communications and be able to integrate SEO into content creation

  • Critically apply online and AI-powered tools to your content creation process


Ryan Millar

Digital Communications Expert

Ryan Millar is a Canadian-born Amsterdam-based coach and communications consultant. He leans heavily on the tools he gained as an improviser and actor to help people communicate more effectively, on the page or on the stage. He's also the host of Growth Tribe's Digital Communications Certificate course. His latest book, on the art of public speaking, is called “The Confident Presenter”. It offers people encouragement, insights, and exercises to help them become more confident, competent and comfortable when presenting. His first book, TAKE IT EASY, is full of observations and insights to help improvisers get a different perspective on their craft. You can connect with Ryan on LinkedIn via this link.