
Bottom-Funnel Marketing: Revenue, CLTV, and Virality

Understand bottom-of-the-funnel strategies, including Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) optimisation and harnessing virality for sustainable growth and increased profitability.
2 main lessons
2 exercises
Module length:63 minutes

Why this module matters
Boost Revenue

Understanding growth loops and virality helps amplify referral programs and drive sustainable revenue growth.

Optimise CLTV

Analysing key revenue metrics like Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) enables effective resource allocation and customer retention strategies.

Identify Blockers

Spotting and addressing revenue blockers ensures smoother operations and maximises marketing funnel efficiency.

Learning Goals

A detailed breakdown of the main learning goals for this module

  • Growth Loops in virality.

  • Data in revenue.

  • Revenue marketing.

Practice with hands-on exercises

Develop and refine growth loops to enhance referral strategies and maximise revenue potential by analysing data and identifying key customer motivators in 60 minutes.


Alain Abou Atmeh

Growth Marketing Strategist

Alain started in social media marketing during its peak and now excels in growth marketing, with a special focus on B2B strategies and AI-driven marketing solutions. He has helped several companies grow through social platforms and now specializes in email marketing, SEO, customer support, and performance marketing. Alain’s approach involves practical training and developing effective strategies for businesses. As a growth marketing trainer, he helps learners master the technicalities of digital marketing, the growth mindset, and overcoming blockers. Alain emphasizes clear, actionable advice to foster growth and innovation. Outside of work, he’s a self-taught musician, keen on sharing insights about marketing trends and music. You can connect with Alain on LinkedIn via this link.