
Growth Mindset and Experimentation

Cultivate a culture of constant enhancement and innovation by nurturing growth mindsets and ensuring team members feel psychologically secure to explore new avenues.
4 main lessons
1 exercise
Module length:167 minutes

Why this module matters
Adaptability and Growth

A growth mindset helps you embrace change and grow, essential for navigating the ever-changing business landscape.

Innovation through Experimentation

Experimentation allows you to test new ideas and make data-driven decisions, driving innovation and optimizing strategies.

Continuous Improvement

Combining a growth mindset with a strong experimentation process fosters a culture of continuous improvement, making your organization more resilient and successful.

Learning Goals

A detailed breakdown of the main learning goals for this module

  • Establish an experimentation strategy.

  • Understand the process of identifying and prioritising experiments.

  • Learn what it takes to empower teams to experiment.

Practice with hands-on exercises

This exercise will guide you through a step-by-step process for designing an experiment.


David Arnoux

Digital Leadership & Entrepreneurship Expert

David Arnoux is the CEO and Co-founder of Growth Tribe, where he has been a driving force behind helping over 1,000 teams acquire the digital skills necessary for growth and innovation. With a keen focus on leadership and the transformative potential of AI, David is passionate about empowering individuals and organizations through continuous learning and cutting-edge strategies. He regularly shares insights on growth, leadership, and AI advancements. Connect with David on LinkedIn to stay inspired and engage in meaningful conversations beyond this course. You can connect with David on LinkedIn via this link.