
Project Planning and Documentation

Learn project planning techniques and documentation essentials to ensure smooth project execution.
4 main lessons
1 exercise
Module length:100 minutes

Why this module matters
Comprehensive Project Maps

Project planning is like creating a detailed map for your team. This module teaches you how to outline every step needed to reach your project goals efficiently and effectively.

Clear Documentation

Effective documentation provides guidelines and tracks learnings throughout the project. Learn to create clear and concise documents that keep everyone aligned.

Mastering the Project Management Triangle

Understand and balance the three key elements of project management: scope, cost, and schedule.

Learning Goals

A detailed breakdown of the main learning goals for this module

  • Understand project governance through documentation.

  • Develop the juiciest part of planning documents: project scope.

  • Dive into project finances by learning about project cost.

  • The exercise kit includes tools for filling in the scope template, creating a requirements matrix, and performing a SWOT risks analysis. Use these to document key project milestones, outline requirements, and identify potential risks.

Practice with hands-on exercises

The exercise kit contains all the necessary tools for conducting research, gathering insights, and developing a persona in just 30 minutes.


Brecken Byron

Agile Project Management Expert

Brecken manages projects rooted in human-driven decision-making, results-oriented, and innovative execution. She is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and has led projects across multiple sectors globally, including retail technology, the non-profit sphere, and education technology. Brecken practices people-first cross-functional project management through power skills, tooling, data-driven decisions, and cultural awareness. Having lived and worked on three continents, she understands the cruciality of adaptability, being a generalist specialist, facilitating inclusive connectivity, and driving change through communicative narrative storytelling. You can connect with Brecken on LinkedIn via this link.