
Digital Asset Risk Mitigation

Understand the high risks associated with digital assets, learn to identify scams, and gain insights from industry experts in this module.
4 main lessons
1 exercise
Module length:93 minutes

Why this module matters
Understanding Risks

Recognising why cryptocurrencies are considered high-risk investments helps you make informed decisions and approach the market with caution.

Identifying Scams

Developing the skills to distinguish between scams and legitimate companies or currencies protects you from potential fraud and financial loss.

Finding reliable sources

Knowing where to access reliable information on cryptocurrencies is crucial for staying informed and making educated investment choices.

Learning Goals

A detailed breakdown of the main learning goals for this module

  • Understanding why cryptocurrency a high risk investment

  • Where to learn about cryptocurrencies

  • How to identify scams and legitimate companies & currencies

  • Getting to know Industry expert opinions: Wilhelm Roth

Practice with hands-on exercises

Crypto is risky and complicated, but there are steps and questions you can use to understand your options better. We'll walk you through each step of conducting a background check before you make a purchasing decision.


Erin Grover

Web 3 and Blockchain Expert

Erin's experience in blockchain began in asset management and crypto algo funds, and she is now a Web3 and blockchain expert with a focus on impact-driven applications. She is currently dedicated to blockchain developer education, carbon markets, and smart supply chains for agriculture. Erin has conducted extensive field research on emerging DeFi markets in East Africa and India, with a strong emphasis on financial inclusion. She serves as an advisor at Dublin's AKASHA Innovation Hub, which provides incubation and acceleration for blockchain projects at various stages. Erin is passionate about creating more opportunities for financial prosperity and sustainable investment products, particularly for diverse populations and women. You can connect with Erin on LinkedIn via this link.