
Sales & Business Development Certificate

Unlock your sales potential. Identify new sales opportunities and nurture business relationships to maximise growth, and drive revenue in today’s competitive market.

Here's what you'll learn:

Elevate your sales game with core skills like value proposition and audience targeting
Learn prospect qualification, objection handling, and negotiation
Close deals with confidence and precision
Turn data into actionable insights for success
Harness BI tools, CRM tech, and marketing synergy

Enroll in this learning track and begin your journey to improving your skills.

Welcome to our Learning Platform

In this Onboarding Module, we’ll walk you through your course setup and guide you through a few quick tasks to set yourself up for success.

How to get your certificate

In this welcome module, we’ll guide you through everything you need to get started! First, we’ll explain how the course works, from navigating the learning modules to completing quizzes and earning your certificate. Then, we’ll share actionable tips

Sales and Business Development Fundamentals

Explore the core aspects of sales and business development, including crafting value propositions, product knowledge, audience targeting, and market research.

Sales Prospecting, Pitching, and Closing Deals

Refine your sales expertise by optimising the end-to-end process, from prospect sourcing, lead qualification, pitching, to nurturing partnerships and client development.

Optimising Sales Pipelines with Tech & Data Analytics

Quantify your sales process and optimise your sales pipeline with CRM tools and technology.

Creating a Sales Strategy

Learn the significance of sales strategies, define key elements, identify success factors, and create strategies aligned with company objectives.

Commercial Growth and Diversification

Explore techniques for product development, market expansion, and personal growth to drive commercial success in sales and business development.

Earn your certificate

Complete all of the courses and unlock your certificate