
Agile Project Management Certificate

Supercharge your project management skills and harness the power of agile. Learn essential agile methodologies and concepts to make your projects more flexible, adaptive, and customer-focused, leading to quality outcomes.

Here's what you'll learn:

Streamline processes, enhance communication, and mitigate risks for ultimate project success
Learn to craft compelling project reports and harness AI-generated charts
Ensure your projects align perfectly with customer needs
Lead sprint reviews and retrospectives with finesse
Develop emotional intelligence and create a psychologically safe environment
Learn how to keep all stakeholders in the loop

Enroll in this learning track and begin your journey to improving your skills.

How to get your certificate

In this welcome module, we’ll guide you through everything you need to get started! First, we’ll explain how the course works, from navigating the learning modules to completing quizzes and earning your certificate. Then, we’ll share actionable tips

Project Management Fundamentals

Explore essential terms, methods, and approaches in project management for a solid foundation.

Agile Frameworks and Scrum Essentials

Learn the art of Agile principles, refine your understanding of user stories, prioritise projects using the MoSCoW method, and become a proficient practitioner of the transformative Agile-Scrum methodology.

Agile Project Communication and Reporting

Gain proficiency in project communication, utilising AI-generated charts, seamlessly track project progress, and ensure alignment with customer requirements.

Agile Risk Mitigation and Problem-Solving

Amplify your project's success through iterative refinement. Unearth potential risks and obstructions, and adeptly apply problem-solving frameworks to pave the way for consistent success.

Agile Team Leadership and Power Skills

Learn to lead sprint reviews and retrospectives effectively and conduct goal-driven workshops for project success.

Scaling Complex Projects

Explore the intricacies of project complexity by diving into Agile scaling frameworks like SoS, LeSS, SAFe, and DA. Learn how to evaluate the health of agility to set your team, project, or department up for scaling success.

Earn your certificate

Complete all of the courses and unlock your certificate